
Дисковидная структура диаметром около 10 нм, являющаяся элементарной единицей упаковки хромосомной ДНК в хроматине chromatin; состоит из белкового ядра (включает октамер гистонов histones Н2, Н3, Н4, но не Н1), «опоясанного» 7/4 оборота двойной спирали ДНК (140 пар нуклеотидов), межнуклеосомные участки ДНК (линкеры) по длине варьируют в пределах 15-100 и более пар нуклеотидов; суммарная молекулярная масса одной Н. оценивается в 262 кД (108 кД приходится на гистоны, 130 кД - на ДНК, 24 кД - на небольшие негистоновые белки); нуклеосомная структура универсальна для эукариотических организмов - ее отсутствие известно в сайтах, сверхчувствительных [к ДНКазе] DNAase hypersensitive sites.

Англо-русский толковый словарь генетических терминов. — М.: Изд-во ВНИРО. . 1995.

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Смотреть что такое "nu-particle" в других словарях:

  • Particle Data Booklet — Particle Data Group Le Particle Data Group est une collaboration internationale de physiciens des particules compulsant et réanalysant les résultats publiés relatifs aux propriétés des particules élémentaires et des interactions fondamentales. Il …   Wikipédia en Français

  • Particle physics — is a branch of physics that studies the elementary constituents of matter and radiation, and the interactions between them. It is also called high energy physics, because many elementary particles do not occur under normal circumstances in nature …   Wikipedia

  • Particle swarm optimization — (PSO) is a swarm intelligence based algorithm to find a solution to an optimization problem in a search space, or model and predict social behavior in the presence of objectives.OverviewParticle swarm optimization is a stochastic, population… …   Wikipedia

  • Particle decay — is the spontaneous process of one elementary particle transforming into other elementary particles. During this process, an elementary particle becomes a different particle with less mass and an intermediate particle such as W boson in muon decay …   Wikipedia

  • Particle filter — Particle filters, also known as sequential Monte Carlo methods (SMC), are sophisticated model estimation techniques based on simulation. They are usually used to estimate Bayesian models and are the sequential ( on line ) analogue of Markov chain …   Wikipedia

  • Particle size (general) — Particle size is a notion introduced for comparing dimensions of solid particles ( flecks ), liquid particles ( droplets ), or gaseous particles ( bubbles ).The notion of particle size applies to *Colloidal particles; *Particles in ecology;… …   Wikipedia

  • Particle therapy — Intervention ICD 9: 92.26 Particle therapy is a form of external beam radiotherapy using beams of energetic protons, neutrons, or positive ions for cancer treatment. The most common …   Wikipedia

  • Particle radiation — is the radiation of energy by means of fast moving subatomic particles. Particle radiation is referred to as a particle beam if the particles are all moving in the same direction, similar to a light beam.Due to the wave particle duality, all… …   Wikipedia

  • Particle identification — is the process of using information left by a particle passing through a particle detector to identify the type of particle. Particle identification reduces backgrounds and improves measurement resolutions, and is essential to many analyses at… …   Wikipedia

  • particle — 1 Particle, bit, mite, smidgen, whit, atom, iota, jot, tittle all mean a very small or insignificant piece or part. Particle is used in reference not only to substances which are actually divisible but to such things as a quality, a state, or a… …   New Dictionary of Synonyms

  • Particle — may refer to:In chemistry: * Colloidal particle, part of a one phase system of two or more componentsIn physics: * Subatomic particle, which may be either: **Elementary particle, a particle of which larger particles are composed, also called a… …   Wikipedia

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